Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Well back outside today. I know this pic doesn't do this justice but the mailbox post is 4 1/2 feet high.  I'm going out to do estimates today because I had to cancel them, after spending 5 hrs digging out of snow yesterday. Really sick of snow I hate it. I'm seriously thinking of moving out of state to warmer climate.


  1. wow thats one hell of a picture i wish we had snow like this in california! you are really lucky

  2. Snow sucks, luckily for us the 13" we got a couple weeks ago is already gone

  3. My country got a load of snow in december, so much so that the roads were unusable and public transport shut down.

    Since that blizzard I haven't seen a single snowflake.

  4. I always wish it used to snow where I live (in the Caribbean), but then I see things like this and I'm glad that all we have to contend with is flooding and hurricanes, and the occasional earthquake.

  5. Living in the South East US is so nice, we get a couple inches a year at the most. Enough to enjoy it.

  6. Snow sucks. I shovel the driveway while it's still snowing so it doesn't build up that much when I need to get out. Not always practical though.

  7. We got more dumped here last night too. It's annoying, but what can you do, just try to keep warm.

  8. it doesn't suck if you like igloos, which i do

  9. i don't get snow in Australia. never touched it before.

  10. Since I have been sick, I haven't been able to go outside much, however, I did have to listen to someone bitch and moan about having to shovel it, so by default its like I shoveled.

  11. invest in a snow blower, might be useful

  12. I'm from the caribbean (like Ish) and i've never even seen snow so I don't have that kind of problem, it's funny since people like me most of the time see snow as something magical whilst people that see snow everyday notice the cons more

  13. Never seen snow IRL in my life, is it really that bad?

  14. @ed have a snowblower does not make it more fun. Snow is fun to see on vacation, when your under 12 or a leopard seal. When it becomes a chore or work it is not.

  15. HAHAH That's great, I might make my next post "Fucken Cyclones"
    Lol doesn't it melt during the day when the sun's out?

  16. @bob yes it melts when the temp stays above 32 degrees for an extended perio d of time. Seeing as its 5 out it could be weeks. The pile in photo will no be melted till april. If it is not shoveled immediatly it turns to ice and you will never be able to shovel.

  17. Something tells me your mail is going to be late.

  18. @cooperlife Believe it or not it was on time. It happened on DA PRESDENT DAy so they had the day off.

  19. I miss snow. It's so many time ago.

  20. @frosty
    enjoy your earthquakes, drought, fires, mudslides, tsunamis, smog etc.

  21. Snow's awesome dude, get a snowmobile!

  22. i feel your pain, Canada has some long ass winters, last year we still had snow in May
